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트위터로 보내기 싸이월드 공감 네이버 밴드 공유
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등록날짜 [ 2020년11월17일 09시33분 ]

The Hong Kong Tourism Board Turns On the Wondrous Sounds of Orchestral Music to Match Hong Kong’s Epic Nature

HONG KONG--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire) November 17, 2020 -- Many people around the world are taking this uncertain time as an opportunity to reconnect with nature on a deeper level through all their senses. To evoke nature’s abundant beauty through the power of music, the Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB), in collaboration with the Brand Hong Kong Management Unit, Information Services Department of the HKSAR Government and the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, created a musical interlude for the WRLDCTY Festival, the world’s largest virtual city festival celebrating urban culture and innovation, held in October.

Named Orchestra of the Year 2019 at classical music’s prestigious Gramophone Awards in the UK, often called the Oscars of the classical music world, the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra is the city’s flagship orchestra. In a unique visual and audio journey, they performed “Morning Mood”, from Edvard Grieg’s Peer Gynt Suite no. 1. Filmed in Sai Kung, dubbed the “back garden of Hong Kong”, the video combines the restorative aural therapy properties of classical music with stunning nature scenes from Hong Kong, for a wholesome, all-encompassing wellness experience, which brings together the creative and natural worlds.

Now available for global audiences to enjoy no matter where they are in the world. Visit https://youtu.be/kXHhXvyJgZE.

Photos/Multimedia Gallery Available: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/52323965/en

Website: http://www.discoverhongkong.com/eng/inde...

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